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Scientific and technical space 

Dear students!
We invite you to our scientific and technical space of the Institute No. 4 of Computing Systems and Programming.

Приглашаем всех на дни открытых дверей для поступления в бакалавриат и магистратуру ГУАП

Телеграмм ссылка

        Research work at the university is an integral part of the training of qualified specialists. Through research work, students' interest in the disciplines being studied increases, research skills are formed, independence and selective activity of students develop, and a graduate is prepared for research work at a university.


       To unlock the creative, research and engineering potential of students, our Institute No. 4 has created a scientific and technical space where everyone can try their hand.          

       The student scientific and technical space of Institute No. 4 is a creative platform that brings together SUAI students who are actively involved in research work, members of student scientific international societies (ISA, SPIE, etc.) and novice developers, as well as young researchers from the number of other students (undergraduates, graduate students).

The student scientific and technical space of Institute No. 4 is an opportunity to:

  • prove yourself in scientific (and not only) activities - to become the best in your field of knowledge;

  • declare your research topic or join an existing topic;

  • take part in international scientific conferences and forums with a report or project,

  • create and develop own projects;

  • implement and develop bold ideas in amazing projects!

  • meet interesting people and share your ideas with them

  • participate in international internships at universities in France, Germany, Japan, Israel, Canada, Australia, USA, etc.;

  • write scientific articles on topical research topics and publish them in leading Russian and international journals;

  • become an active participant in various scientific events and projects;

  • participate in competitions of grants, scholarships, olympiads and  receive financial support.

Research coordinator:

Vadim Alexandrovich Nenashev

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Computing Systems and Networks,

deputy director of the institute for scientific and innovative activities,

Head of the Laboratory of Intelligent Technologies and Modeling


E-mail: , Site:


Achievements of our students and graduate students over the past  2 years

1. Student of the 4th institute gr. 4641 Kapranova Ekaterina Andreevna became a laureate of the grant:
- 2019 ISA Educational Foundation Scholarships

2. XV European competition for the best student research paper ISA .                                                                                      

Silver medal awarded to:

Evgeny Grigoriev, group No. 4712M,

Bronze medal awarded to:

Oleg Zaplatin, group No. 4541.

3. Master student of the 4th institute Ivan Yudin became the winner in the 2019 grant competition (KNVSh)  for students of universities located on the territory of St. Petersburg, graduate students of universities, industry and academic institutions located on the territory of St. Petersburg. Scientific project "Development and study of a high-precision method for forming a radar image in the forward view areas of an airborne radar"


4. Students of the 4th institute received scholarships in priority areas of modernization and technological development of the Russian economy for 2019/2020:


Kapranova Ekaterina (4641) - presidential scholarship

Nenashev Sergey (4842) -  Russian government scholarship

Zalishchuk Alexander (4841) - Scholarship of the Government of the Russian Federation

five.  Student of the 4th institute gr. 4641 Kapranova Ekaterina Andreevna became a laureate of the grant:
-2019 Optics and Photonics Education Scholarship Recipients

6.  Students of Institute No. 4 (Dmitry Burylev and Ekaterina Kapranova) made 2 reports at the international scientific  conferences  SPIE Future Sensing Technologies November 13-14, 2019, Tokyo, Japan.  

7. The SP-2019 competition was won for a scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation in 2019-2021 for young scientists and graduate students carrying out promising research and development in priority areas of modernization of the Russian economy.

8.  Members of the student section of the ISA SUAI, student Sergey Nenashev and graduate student Evgeny Grigoriev, became the winners of the International Society for Automation grant competition in 2020

9. Sergey Nenashev became the SUAI student of the year in the nomination  the best in scientific and technical creativity and will represent the SUAI at the city similar  competition.

10. Graduate student Evgeny Grigoriev passed the competitive selection for the educational program "Modern Methods of Information Theory, Optimization and Control" of the "Sirius" Center  (August 2-23, 2020).  


SPIE Future Sensing Technologies, November 13-14, 2019, Tokyo, Japan. 

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